Conejo Simi Eye Medical Group Inc. is one of few places where patients can enroll in experimental protocol research projects.
Clinical studies are conducted to determine specific answers to questions about the effectiveness or safety of a new medical device, drug, or surgical technique which improves eye health.
Why Should You Participate?
You can receive new and effective drugs to treat your condition. You will also have an opportunity to participate in the potential advancement of medication for others.
You will gain access to treatments that are not yet to market which may improve your quality of life and vision.
Current Studies:
Macular Degeneration:
Dr. Adam Martidis, M.D. is evaluating an investigational oral tablet medication for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME).
To be eligible for this study, you must:
- Be diagnosed with wet AMD in one or both eyes
- Being currently treated with intravitreal injection with Avastin, Lucentis, Eylea
- All study-related visits, tests, and study medications will be provided to you at no cost. In addition- travel may be provided
Dr. Adam Martidis, M.D. is evaluating an investigational oral tablet medication for Diabetic Macular Edema (DME).
To be eligible for this study, you must:
- Be 18 years or older
- Be diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes
- Be diagnosed with DME in one or both eyes
- All study-related visits, tests, and study medications will be provided to you at no cost. In addition- travel may be provided
Dr. Ashish Toor, M.D. is evaluating the efficacy and safety of an FDA-approved medication to treat glaucoma.
Potential candidates must:
- Be 18yrs or older
- Be diagnosed with glaucoma or ocular hypertension in one or both eyes
Glaucoma medications, eye exams, and glaucoma testing will be provided at no cost. In addition, patients will be compensated for their participation.
We participate in more phase III Drug studies than many University Centers. We are the only center in Ventura County to offer so much cutting-edge care.
Contact for Additional Information
If you or anyone you know has any of the above serious eye problems, please contact Lisa Jue, Director of Research for an evaluation.
Telephone: 805-648-3085
Email: [email protected]